Enjoy the Journey...

Every morning I wake up and see this on my bedroom wall, "Enjoy the Journey." It's there to remind me each day to make it memorable. Today, I had one of those moments that really put things in perspective. David spent some time this past week visitng with his mom. While he was there she gave him the following picture which she had from only just over three years previously. Again...this picture is only just over three years old. Look at Emma. She is my oldest daughter with the long red hair. Notice me. (Yes, I had red hair three years ago as well.) Notice the dress I was wearing.

Just moments this morning after looking at this picture, my Emma came into my room all dressed up for church. She loves that she is old enough to borrow my clothes now. She came into my room wearing the dress I was wearing in the picture.

What a difference just a few years makes. A strong reminder of just how quickly time passes...and so for sure a reminder to always "Enjoy the Journey!"


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