For The Love Of Fridays

Before I begin For the Love of Fridays, I have to share the latest. My sweet little G has severly broken her collar bone. It happened yesterday afternoon. To make it more sad, G has broken them before. Both bones were broken during labor and delivery as a baby. So, we will be heading up to meet with a Pediatric Orthopod on Wednesday, and it looks like there is good chance she will need surgery. I'll update more when I know more.

Now for the regularly scheduled For the Love of Fridays:

S: I love that you applied for your first real job this week. I'm crossing my fingers for you! Let's hope they call and offer it to you!

E: I love that you stayed up late last night working on a get well card for G. You are and have always been such a terrific big sister.

G: I love how brave you are being about your collar bone. I know that the right thing will happen next week to make sure it heals--good as new!

O: I love that you look so sassy with your new haircut--you are so cute! (Your's is too G!)

C: I love that you keep giving me kisses so much. And, even though I prefer it when you call me mom, I love that you have started calling me by my name 'cause dad does. Funny.

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