My Home Is Alive With The Sound Of Music...

My children, every single one of the five, brought with them musical talents. Each, from a very young age, has begun developing skills all on their own. Yes, Emma took violin lessons for several years and Steffen took guitar lessons for years, but that has been the extent of my investment in their talents. All on their own, each one of the five have chosen to spend their time learning new instruments and sing along as they play...and they do it A LOT. There is singing EVERY SINGLE NIGHT in this home. I lie in bed and listen. Let me tell you, it is priceless. Divorce has been a costly thing and most of the extracuricular expenses such as music lessons have needed to be cut....but that has not stopped them from flying with their talents. I cannot even begin to express what a healing gift that it has been to me, to my heart, to my soul, in my life.

As a young girl, I remember my dad putting on beautiful music and playing it throughout the house on Sunday mornings as we prepared for church. And on Sunday evenings my dad would go into the living room and play the most beautiful music on his organ. He was self taught. He played by ear...just as each of my children do. They can hear a tune and within moments be playing it on an instrument of choice.

A psychic (don't make fun of me, it was fun) once told me that my angels speak to my soul through music. She said that music was the most powerful medium of communication for me. For a girl who enjoys words A LOT, this suprised me...but only for a second. It made sense as I pondered on it. Music has always been my best medicine. I select my songs to listen to based on how I want or need to feel. Music HAS played a HUGE role in my life. Even at only about five years old I would regularly perform Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life" or other such songs for my older sibling's friends. They would be impressed by my sincerity and the fact I knew all of the lyrics. My brother's best friend and I would love to climb up on the table (as our stage) and play "Donnie and Marie" by singing all of their hits into our fake microphones. And you should hear my siblings. They have amazing natural talent. Seriously. The Christmas eve sing along literally moves me to tears every year as I listen to all of the parts to each song...the melody and harmony covered with such a large crowd. (I am one of ten children.)

I have always believed that we each brought with us specific talents and abilities into this life to aid us in performing our personal missions. My beleif has been more deeply engraved upon my heart as I have watched my children's talents blossom. My home is exactly what I envisioned. Other than the heartbreak of my divorce, life is blessed. I am amazed that my house is still a HOME! God does make up the difference in so many ways. Tonight, we all gathered on my bed and played the impromptu speach game where we set the timer and assign each other random topics to speak on intelligently (or at least semi-intelligently). It's a blast..try it sometime. I was amazed at the quickness and articulateness of even my littler ones.

Steffen, Emma, Grace, Olivia, continue to amaze and inspire me.

Let me share some of their fun talents....again....untrained. I need to capture some video of Steffen on the guitar and Emma on her violin another time. I mentioned earlier that those where things they have been trained on and are awesome at. Tonight I just wanted to share some of what they have figured out all on their own.



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