Last weekend I had the privilege of taking my daughters to a special Ivy Girl Mother/Daughter Tea Party. The speakers each spoke of true beauty. It was an incredible evening with my girls.
The highlight of my night was Tiffany Berg's presentation. She is a beautiful woman inside and out. Her message was powerful. In her presentation she pulled out a Barbie doll and spoke of how badly she wanted to look like Barbie as a young girl. But no, she was a redheaded girl with freckles. (Back in the day...that wasn't as cool as it now is.) She is now a stunning blonde woman who was the winner of Mrs. Utah just a couple of years ago.
The most meaningful part of the evening was when she held up a Barbie doll with it's long beautiful blonde hair and began cutting it off until it was nearly bald. She spoke of learning to love herself with the loss of hair and changes to her body that came as she went through breast cancer.
She spoke of learning to love the stripped down version of us. This song came to mind.