The Power Of A Note!

I think personal notes have magical powers (at least the nice ones do.) I mean it! What is better than getting an unexpected text, email, snail mail, etc. that tells you that you matter, that you have made a difference in someones life, and that expresses love for you? Don't we all need that!
And yet life gets so busy that we often forget to pick up pen and paper and express ourselves.
Just recently my daughter Grace (11 years old) received a large manila envelope in the mail FULL of notes. Most of you know that the circumstances with our last move were EXTREMELY painful. Her last day of school before our move she found herself surrounded by a group hug of friends who freely wept. Her teacher included.
That group of special people in her life have still been thinking about her and missing her. They thought that sending notes would be the perfect way to let her know. And BOY was it EVER! It took more than an hour for Grace to sift through reading love notes from her friends telling her she was missed, and loved, and mattered, and that she made a difference in their lives. She was reassured that she would not be forgotten. Both Grace and I cried as we read each and every expression.
With Grace's permission I would like to share the note she received from her teacher. It was an amazing act of service. It read:
Dear, dear, dear, DEAR, Grace:
How I miss you! Who else is going to ask all the great questions and come in with twinkling eyes and my favorite smile!
And who else is going to have as many Halloween costume ideas as you, or decorate our door, or get our whole class on your side, or lead our line so perfectly, or get along with everyone like you do? Who else can be so persuasive with the teacher?
Who else is going to keep asking questions until she gets this tough ol' math? Who else would come in to work on time tests or volunteer to stay in for flextime to get help with those things? Who else thinks as well as you?
Who else is as charming, and friendly, and fun, and clever, and smart as you? And always, ALWAYS you are SMILING!
Of all the students in this class, why did YOU have to be the one to leave us?
Do you know what Dorothy said to the Scarecrow when she was leaving Oz to go back to Kansas? She said, "I think I'm going to miss you the most of all!"
We love you Grace! You are amazing. We wish you the best in your new place!
Your friend always!
Mrs. ...............
Let me share one more:
For Christmas my dear daughter Emma who knows my love for notes asked several of my girlfriends to each write me a note expressing their thoughts and feelings for me. She then bound them in a book that she decorated BEAUTIFULLY! Most of the notes are too deeply personal to share. This one, however, I am still laughing about and wanted to share. (Notes that bring laughter are as healing for me as any.)
Here is a part of this note. It went like this (to the author...I hope you don't mind my sharing this)
S is for the shiny things, Shannon loves her bling.
H is for homemaker, she's one of the best I know.
A is for authentic. That's written all over her actions.
N is for noble, a noble daughter of God.
N is for sometimes naughty, but that's too much information. :)
O is for objective, forever searching and researching.
N is for my new friend. Shannon is the one I'm most thankful for.
I LOVE NOTES...THEY ARE PROZAC IN PRINT! They can lift a mood is a heartbeat, help heal a wound, and give hope when it may seem difficult to find it.
Lots of Love,
P.S. I just realized I would be COMPLETELY remiss if I didn't offer a special thanks to my dear friend from my previous neighborhood who just this week drove all the way up and left a framed note (wrapped beautifully) on my porch reading "God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again." Along with this was a note FULL of loving words. You know who you are and I love you. I have been gone for over two months now. Thank you for letting me know I am missed, and loved. Again, the last move has been painful. Your gesture was both healing and priceless!