I just wanted to share a few fun quotes I love that remind me to always just be myself. Enjoy!
Don't think you're on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path.
~Author Unknown
You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note.
~Doug Floyd
The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself.
~Rita Mae Brown
Our concern must be to live while we're alive... to release our inner selves from the spiritual death that comes with living behind a facade designed to conform to external definitions of who and what we are.
~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people.
~Martina Navratilova
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
~Dr. Seuss
Nature made us individuals, as she did the flowers and the pebbles; but we are afraid to be peculiar, and so our society resembles a bag of marbles, or a string of mold candles. Why should we all dress after the same fashion? The frost never paints my windows twice alike.
~Lydia Maria Child
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
~Winston Churchill
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
~J.K. Galbraith
Be neither a conformist or a rebel, for they are really the same thing. Find your own path, and stay on it.
~Paul Vixie
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
~Herman Melville
In the moment of our creation we receive the stamp of our individuality; and much of life is spent in rubbing off or defacing the impression.
~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827
Human beings, for all their pretensions, have a remarkable propensity for lending themselves to classification somewhere within neatly labeled categories. Even the outrageous exceptions may be classified as outrageous exceptions!
~W.J. Reichmann
My theory is that the hardest work anyone does in life is to appear normal.
~From the movie Ed TV
I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine.
~Fritz Perls
Don't let them tame you.
~Isadora Duncan
Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
~Albert Camus
I believe more follies are committed out of complaisance to the world, than in following our own inclinations.
~Mary Wortley Montagu
If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn't thinking.
~George S. Patton
Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model.
~Vincent Van Gogh
If you want to look like the people next door, you're probably smothering yourself and your dreams.
~Clive Barker
To be a genuine individualist requires a great deal of strength and courage. It is never easy to chart new territory, to cross new frontiers, or to introduce subtle shadings to an established color.
~Toller Cranston
You laugh at me because I am different; I laugh because you are all the same.
~Daniel Knode
The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well.
~Foe Ancis
From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way.
~Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes
I am not eccentric. It's just that I am more alive than most people. I am an unpopular electric eel set in a pond of goldfish.
~Dame Edith Sitwell
Eventually in life you realize that not being yourself is just TOO MUCH DARN WORK!!!