Isn't It Great That Olivia's Eight!!!!

Dear Olivia,

Usually I like to have the birthday letters up on the blog for you kids to wake up to on your big day. I may be a little late in posting, but the love and joy I feel for you as we have celebrated your big day is equally full!

You were my first C-Section baby. I remember lying in the hospital bed waiting for them to take me to the O.R. for your scheduled arrival. 11:10 a.m. was the time I was promised they would come for me and wheel me down for surgery.

I waited in my hospital bed rubbing my stomach and telling you how excited I was to soon meet you. The clocked seemed to move so slowly waiting for the staff to arrive.

And then they came and your dad, Uncle Andy (who was a third year med school student), and I were there in the operating room. There was a reverence in the room. It's interesting. I don't think the veil is more thin than at the arrival of a spirit into this world, as well as at the departure of a spirit from this world. There is a similar sacredness at these crossings. I remember thinking clearly...this is truly a sacred moment.

And then they put you in my arms. You were stunningly beautiful. First of all, C-Section babies don't get quite so beat up as do normal deliveries. You looked ready for pictures as soon as they had completed your first bath. You really were then and are now beautiful!

So, as our tradition goes....and as you have turned EIGHT years old are EIGHT things that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE about you.


1. I LOVE that you brought with you a spirit that is truly full of love and compassion. You have a tender heart, and even though I know it is tender, I admire how brave you are in sharing your love. You offer it matter what. You are a great example to all around you in this. That is something that the Savior did and does. It is something that even at nearly 42 years old I am still working on. It is easy with a tender heart to protect it. Thank you for reminding me through your bravery to love unhindered by fear. I love you for that.

2. I LOVE that you almost always have a smile on your face and a song in your heart. You are a pleasure to be around. You radiate sunshine. I promise you that as you continue to do will bless multitudes of people who are longing for a little sunlight in their own life. It is another of your special gifts.

3. I LOVE that you tell me that you love me at least 20 times a day, through hugs, kisses, love notes, pictures that you draw of us together...and a million other ways. Even old people like me need to be reminded that we are love. Thank you for that. You are a treasure.

4. I LOVE that you love the Lord. I love hearing you pray and talk about the gospel. I love it when you ask me about the future, about marrying in the temple...and that just as your older sisters asked at your age...I love that you ask me if you can still live with me when your married. :) While I am sure you will change your mind between now and then...I love that it is currently the desire of your heart.

5. I LOVE that you are ALWAYS up for dancing with me...and GIRL you have the MOVES!! I think you are a better dancer than you mama! Let that groove continue to keep you dancing...even through the challanges or difficult days that sometimes life brings.

6. I LOVE that you love your sisters so well. You are so quick to offer a love, or mind a boo boo with a bandaid for your little sister, or offer words of comfort when you know someone is hurting. I see that you truly do love being with your sisters. I find so much joy seeing you girls all snuggled up together on the beanbag chair watching Full House. You told me once that you love watching a show about sisters who love each other. (And p.s., I love that by now you know every episode and season by heart.)

7. I love that you are such a girlie girl! Being a girlie girl myself...I have completely relished the fact that I get to buy glamorous stuff for you and you actually like it! And then you actually wear it! I love that you love going through my jewelry box and admiring my necklaces, and that hairbows are still on the hair fixing menu, and that you know the power of a skirt that twirls like a princess! I love that you want to wear girly, ruffly aprons when you help me clean or cook. It's the little things in life that can bring so much joy, and you definitely get that!

8. And last, but certainly not least...I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEE that you have decided to be baptized. My heart is rejoicing that you will have this opportunity very soon. It will be one of the most significant things you do in this life. It opens the gate to walking down the path that leads back to our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Their love for you is is unending and eternal!!!! I am rejoicing that it is your desire to be on this path!

Happy Birthday, my Sweet Lulu. You received some special gifts today, but in truth...I received an infinitely greater gift in you eight years ago today. I am blessed to be your mother here in mortality. Know that I am always here for you....always and matter what.

Love Always,