Happy 4th Birthday Chloe Rose Baker!!!

Dear Chloe,
Happy Birthday, Chloe! Although we celebrated your turning four years old last Saturday with your friends, today is the ACTUAL day! Tonight we will celebrate and have cake and ice cream with family!!!
I remember your arrival into this world four years ago well! You were a c-section, as was your sister Olivia. The doctor was playing music in the operating room. You were born just before midnight to the tunes of The Beach Boys!
Chloe, because you are my last baby I have been savoring every second of your babyhood! You are a mama's girl. You want to be with me every single second. I haven't minded that a bit. You are my shadow and I love it!!!
In honor of your turning four today, here are FOUR things that I LOVE about you:
1. Chloe, I LOVE that you have eyes so big, bright and blue that I'm pretty sure they could hypnotize someone! They are absolutely beautiful and people comment on their beauty every where we go!
2. Chloe, I LOVE that you can talk like a grownup! Having so many older siblings has given you a tremendous vocabulary. The things you say tickle me!
3. Chloe, I LOVE that you constantly tell me "you are the best mom ever." You call me your "besty." Until you are a mom, you can't understand the power of those words to melt a mother's heart. You are a hugger and kisser as well. Lots of "smoochies" accompany these words.
4. Chloe, I LOVE that Heavenly Father sent me you! You came into this world at a challanging time in my life...and you ended up being exactly what I needed. You, as with all of your siblings, are my treasures. You, Chloe Rose, are PRICELESS!! I love you. Let's enjoy every second of FOUR together!
All My Love,