AHHHHHHHHH, Christmas!

I have been exceedingly bad at blogging lately. The truth of the matter is, I have been doing so much LIVING that there has been very little time to blog about it!

Here are some pictures from the lightening ceremony at the Galavan Center, we also enjoyed a trip to Bodyworld that day, lunch at Macaroni Grill, and the lights being turned on at Temple Square! What an awesome time we had! (Our S had to work that day, so he couldn't be with us....WE MISSED YOU S!)

Also, we have enjoyed FHE at Grandpa and Grandma's last night with all the cousins to watch the First Presidency Message. D made is famous Apple Pie-----YUMMMMMM, dinner with J and J on Friday night (couples night...no kiddies aloud), tons of Christmas shopping outings, fun lunches with friends, a date with my son last week to the movies, and the list goes on and on and on.

This week a greatly anticipated night with the Mr. and me at a Kurt Bestor Concert is upcoming, along with a scrumptious dinner at a noteworthy Steak House downtown!

To add to the fun, my sisters from out of state are flying in soon for Sister's Weekend! CAN'T WAIT! LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!

I am just feeling TOTALLY blessed right now. Hope this blog finds you doing terrific!
