Happy Birthday Steffen! I LOVE YOU!
Dear S,
Happy Birthday! I can hardly believe that you were born 16 years ago today! It doesn't even seem possible! Since you turn 16 today, here are 16 things that I absolutely LOVE about you!
1. I LOVE that you have a smile that melts my heart every single time I see it! (I'm pretty sure that your smile will play a role in the girl you marry falling for you!)
2. I LOVE that you are so much fun to be around!
3. I LOVE that I am continously amazed by your creativity!
4. I LOVE that you are so handsome, and have such an awesome sense of style!
5. I LOVE listening to you jam on your electric guitar!
6. I LOVE that even at 16 you like to tell me about your day! I hope you will do this forever!
7. I LOVE that you like to watch movies with me!
8. I LOVE that you are a happy person!
9. I LOVE that you are such an incredible artist!
10. I LOVE that you are working to prepare yourself for college!
11. I LOVE that you are planning and preparing for a mission!
12. I LOVE that you won our bet! :) I won't say more:)
Only that it is a PLEASURE to give you this $100!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. I LOVE that you love the Lord and have a testimony of His gospel!
14. I LOVE that we are friends and hope that we will be forever!
15. I LOVE that you remind ME to be MY best...like when I occasionally say a bad word...you remind me that I am better than that!
16. I LOVE that you are my son, my only son!
S, I am SOOOO very lucky to be your mother! You have taught me many things. It has been a joy, a pleasure, and a blessing!
I hope this coming year brings wonderful things to you!
All My LOVE, Mom