Happy Birthday Chloe and Olivia!!

In place of the regularly scheduled "For The Love Of Fridays", I need to wish my sweet five year old and two year old HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Olivia's birthday was last week and Chloe's is today. Last Saturday we scheduled a party for both of them and had to cancel it due to Olivia getting the stomach flu. (Ask me about having her throw up on my face at three a.m.......actually, don't!) Well, because she was sick, the Pink Princess Party planned needed to be rescheduled for this Saturday. The good times keep rolling, 'cause now C has the flu and threw up all night long last night. Well, we will probably cancel the party altogether cause Olivia is not wanting to wait another day for the party. I will be taking her on a movie date instead.
But most importantly, here is a note to each:
Olivia: Happy FIVE YEARS! I can hardly believe that it was five years ago that you were born! You have been an absolute joy and delight! And, in spite of your DIVA mentality, you are a constant source of laughter and delight for me as your mother. I love you dearly and hope you know that nothing in this world matters more to me than you, your siblings, and your father. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!
All My Love,
Chloe: Again, it seems impossible that two years have past since your birth! Yours was perhaps the most difficult of all my children's arrivals, as a very tough period of post partum depression followed it. But you, my dear, through your birth and all of the events that followed, taught me how tough I am. You helped me to realize that I can handle FAR more than I ever that I was capable of....and so, even with it's difficulties--in fact, because of them, you are a gift to me. Happy Birthday to you, too!
Hugs and Kisses,